Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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Text File
226 lines
set Program(Name) "UAE"
set Program(Version) "0.4"
wm title . "$Program(Name)"
wm iconname . $Program(Name)
wm grid . 1 1 1 1
proc Bye {} {
global outpipe
puts $outpipe "bye"
flush $outpipe
close $outpipe
proc Eject {num} {
global outpipe
puts $outpipe "eject"
puts $outpipe "$num"
flush $outpipe
proc Nuke {} {
global outpipe
puts $outpipe "reset"
flush $outpipe
proc Dbug {} {
global outpipe
puts $outpipe "debug"
flush $outpipe
proc FilenameDialog {w title label} {
global win
global oldFocus
global ReturnValue
set win $w
catch {destroy $win}
toplevel $win -class Dialog
wm title $win $title
frame $win.top -relief raised -bd 1
pack $win.top -side top -fill both
frame $win.bot -relief raised -bd 1
pack $win.bot -side bottom -fill both
message $win.top.message -text $label \
-width 3i -justify left
entry $win.top.entry -width 20 -relief sunken
$win.top.entry icursor 0
bind $win.top.entry <Return> {
set ReturnValue [$win.top.entry get]
catch {focus $oldFocus}
destroy $win
## Create the OK and Cancel button field
frame $win.bot.buttons
button $win.bot.buttons.ok -text "Okay" \
-command { set ReturnValue [$win.top.entry get]
catch {focus $oldFocus}
destroy $win
button $win.bot.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" \
-command { set ReturnValue "";
catch {focus $oldFocus}
destroy $win
pack $win.bot.buttons.ok -side left -expand 1 -padx 3m -pady 2m
pack $win.bot.buttons.cancel -side right -expand 1 -padx 3m -pady 2m
pack $win.top.message -side top -fill x -pady 4 -padx 4
pack $win.top.entry -side top -fill x -pady 4 -padx 4
pack $win.bot.buttons -side top -fill x -pady 4
set oldFocus [focus]
grab $w
tkwait visibility $win
focus $win.top.entry
tkwait window $win
return $ReturnValue
proc Insert {num} {
global outpipe
global inpipe
puts $outpipe "insert"
puts $outpipe "$num"
flush $outpipe
set isok [gets $inpipe]
if {[string compare $isok "ok"] == 0} {
set filename [FilenameDialog .foo "Select file" "Select a diskfile for drive $num"]
puts $outpipe $filename
flush $outpipe
} else {
tk_dialog .foo {Error} {Drive is not empty. Use Eject first.} {} 0 OK
proc readdata {} {
global inpipe
global file0
global file1
global file2
global file3
set command [gets $inpipe]
if {[string compare $command "power 0"] == 0} {
.brs.powerled config -bg #000000000000
} elseif {[string compare $command "power 1"] == 0} {
.brs.powerled config -bg #ffff00000000
} elseif {[string compare $command "driveled 1"] == 0} {
set command [gets $inpipe]
.drives.x$command.led config -bg #ffffffff0000
} elseif {[string compare $command "driveled 0"] == 0} {
set command [gets $inpipe]
.drives.x$command.led config -bg #000000000000
} elseif {[string compare $command "drivename"] == 0} {
set number [gets $inpipe]
set file$number [gets $inpipe]
proc OpenPipes {} {
global env
global outpipe
global inpipe
set args $env(ARGS)
if {[llength $args] != 2} {
set outpipe [open [lindex $args 0] "w"]
set inpipe [open [lindex $args 1] "r"]
puts $outpipe "Startup"
flush $outpipe
frame .drives -relief raised -borderwidth 2
label .drives.title -text "Floppy drives"
frame .drives.x3 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
label .drives.x3.name -text "DF3:"
frame .drives.x3.f
label .drives.x3.f.file -width 30 -textvariable file3
button .drives.x3.eject -text "Eject" -command {Eject 3}
button .drives.x3.insert -text "Insert" -command {Insert 3}
frame .drives.x3.led -width 1c -height .3c -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -background #000000000000
pack .drives.x3 -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
pack .drives.x3.name -side left
pack .drives.x3.f -side left
pack .drives.x3.f.file -side left
pack .drives.x3.eject -side left
pack .drives.x3.insert -side left
pack .drives.x3.led -side left
frame .drives.x2 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
label .drives.x2.name -text "DF2:"
frame .drives.x2.f
label .drives.x2.f.file -width 30 -textvariable file2
button .drives.x2.eject -text "Eject" -command {Eject 2}
button .drives.x2.insert -text "Insert" -command {Insert 2}
frame .drives.x2.led -width 1c -height .3c -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -background #000000000000
pack .drives.x2 -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
pack .drives.x2.name -side left
pack .drives.x2.f -side left
pack .drives.x2.f.file -side left
pack .drives.x2.eject -side left
pack .drives.x2.insert -side left
pack .drives.x2.led -side left
frame .drives.x1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
label .drives.x1.name -text "DF1:"
frame .drives.x1.f
label .drives.x1.f.file -width 30 -textvariable file1
button .drives.x1.eject -text "Eject" -command {Eject 1}
button .drives.x1.insert -text "Insert" -command {Insert 1}
frame .drives.x1.led -width 1c -height .3c -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -background #000000000000
pack .drives.x1 -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
pack .drives.x1.name -side left
pack .drives.x1.f -side left
pack .drives.x1.f.file -side left
pack .drives.x1.eject -side left
pack .drives.x1.insert -side left
pack .drives.x1.led -side left
frame .drives.x0 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
label .drives.x0.name -text "DF0:"
frame .drives.x0.f
label .drives.x0.f.file -width 30 -textvariable file0
button .drives.x0.eject -text "Eject" -command {Eject 0}
button .drives.x0.insert -text "Insert" -command {Insert 0}
frame .drives.x0.led -width 1c -height .3c -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -background #000000000000
pack .drives.x0 -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
pack .drives.x0.name -side left
pack .drives.x0.f -side left
pack .drives.x0.f.file -side left
pack .drives.x0.eject -side left
pack .drives.x0.insert -side left
pack .drives.x0.led -side left
pack .drives.title -side top
frame .brs -relief raised -borderwidth 2
label .brs.title -text "Emulator control"
frame .brs.powerled -width 1c -height .3c -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -background #ffff00000000
button .brs.reset -text "Hard reset" -command { Nuke }
button .brs.debug -text "Debug" -command { Dbug }
button .brs.quit -text "Exit" -command { Bye }
pack .brs.title -side top
pack .brs.reset -side left
pack .brs.debug -side left
pack .brs.quit -side left
pack .brs.powerled -side right
pack .drives -side bottom -fill x
pack .brs -side bottom -fill x
.brs.powerled config -bg #000000000000
fileevent $inpipe readable {readdata}